Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


We work to demystify what it means to operate with and embody an equity lens — from the individual to the organizational level. And then we help you do it. 

As skilled facilitators, trainers, and space-holders, we can support your JEDI journey in multiple ways. Whether you need to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding, awareness, and appreciation of structural oppression 

  • Hold internal conversations with folks who are at different points of their JEDI work 

  • Develop strategies for beginning JEDI work or strategies for deepening it

  • Conduct individual or organizational racial equity assessments

We got you.

Who you are:

A nonprofit organization or philanthropic institution at any point on an JEDI journey

What to expect:

Fully tailored JEDI project plan that begins with research and assessment (the scope of the engagement will dictate how in-depth the research and assessment will be); customized trainings and workshops; coaching and mentoring; skilled and empathetic facilitation of difficult conversations; truth-telling and space-holding

Organizational Development


We partner with you to develop strategies that are adaptive, grounded in your values, and fueled by an inclusive culture.

We believe that the world around us is not static, so our strategies shouldn’t be either. Beyond simply writing plans that sit on shelves, we focus on the alignment of your organization’s leadership, board, and staff t0 the vision and mission they have committed to. 

This process will include a customized blend of strategic planning, culture change, change management, and team-building, which will lead to a co-envisioned and co-designed organizational shift. 

We also ensure that you are building internal leadership capacity at all levels to manage the unexpected and to make wise strategic choices in real-time.

Who you are:

Small to large nonprofit organization or philanthropic institution at the precipice or in the midst of strategic change (i.e. everyone)

What to expect:

A customized organizational development process that includes re-connection to your desired impact; organizational analysis leading to a detailed insight report; engaging and transformative retreats; and implementation support

Personal Transformation


From traditional coaching to mentorship to intuitive energy healing, we partner with individuals who are ready to grow and reach their optimal level of performance. To lead effectively with grace, one needs to be equipped with a healthy sense of self, high emotional intelligence, and the confidence that comes from knowing the source of your power. 

Wayfinding Partners is part of a community of healers. We are also licensed to administer the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, FIRO-B, and other personal growth assessments. 

Who you are:

Anyone — at any level in any organization — who is ready and open to being well and to lean into their best self

What to expect:

This depends on you, but might include: personality or leadership assessment; in-depth executive coaching; ongoing mentorship; or an intuitive energy healing session. With the exception of energy healing sessions, all personal transformation offerings are long-term (six months minimum) engagements