Melanie Crable, CAP



Melanie Crable is an experienced executive assistant supporting the Wayfinding Partners team as they do the important work of furthering racial equity and justice. As a progressive Jew living in the South, she strives to live her life through the lens of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and is deeply committed to dismantling oppressive systems in order to improve outcomes for our families, communities, and workplaces.

She holds a bachelor's degree in Recreation and Tourism Management from San Diego State University and is a Certified Administrative Professional (CAP). Prior to her role at Wayfinding, she worked in healthcare, supporting executives in Arkansas, Texas, California, Arizona, and Washington D.C.

A native Californian, Melanie currently lives in Dallas with her husband, son, and 3 perfect cats. When she isn't working, you can find her enjoying the outdoors, FaceTiming with her mom and sister, or sipping a cold beer. 
